The PS4 Slim VS The PS4- Which is better

The all-new slimmer and lighter PS4 console has a 1 TB hard drive, to accommodate all the best games, movies, music, and even more. Amazing Games With so much out there, it’s easy to see why millions of people enjoy playing video games. From creatively crafted adventure games that take the player into other worlds, to hugely popular sports games that will challenge your stamina and skills, the options are limitless. From critically acclaimed indies to high-budget AAA hits, there is never anything you can’t find. The newest games to long-established franchise entries, there’s never been a better time to jump into the world of interactive entertainment.

The PS4 slim vs The PS4 controller difference

The fight between Sony and Microsoft over the last few years has been fierce. In terms of sheer popularity, the competition has always been formidable, but with the introduction of the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii, the fight has been taken to a new level. As it stands, Sony’s PS4 console has a lead over Microsoft, though they have been making some wonderful exclusives lately, such as The Last of Us and Scalebound. If you want the most powerful gaming system, the choice is clear – but which version of PS4 Slim do you need?

PS4 Differences and Determine

There are two basic options when choosing a new PS4. You can go with the PS4 slim or stick with the original. Each option has its pros and cons. Here we’ll look at both, weigh the differences and determine which option is best for you.

Firstly, lets look at the advantages of PS4 slim. If you’ve played any games on the original PlayStation, then you know that the screen is really small. So, by installing a smaller hard drive, you get twice the amount of memory for your dollar! While this isn’t much of a benefit, it’s enough to give you a greater level of freedom when it comes to customizing your console.

A second advantage PS4 slim has is its slim design. Unlike the original, it has no protruding edges, so it fits nicely in the living room without having to be pushed around. It also has a matte finish, meaning it doesn’t reflect the light like a traditional PlayStation would. This means it’s easier to see and not as distracting.

Big Difference Between Two

At face value, it seems like a pretty minor advantage – but the real benefits lie deeper. The original ps4 who had a hard edge surrounding the screen, which constantly got in the way of playing games. The edges of the console were also extremely sharp, meaning it was more likely to accidentally hit something. By moving the console back (or even removing the hard drive), you can prevent these problems and have a much easier time playing. The PS4 slim isn’t cheap, so it’s a small advantage, but it could make a big difference if you spend a lot of money on your console.

A third advantage of the PS4 slim is that it supports two types of memory cards – HDMI and flash. Although it hasn’t been confirmed, it’s possible that the PS4 slim will also support Bluetooth. This would make it possible to use your PS4 Pro in the best way possible, and it would allow you to stream media from your computer or laptop. The slim is cheaper than the original ps4, so it could become a must have accessory if you love to watch your games on the go.

At the end of the day, it’s easy to see that there aren’t many significant differences between the PS4 slim vs PS4 controller. Both have features that allow them to be very popular with gamers. If you want to save money, it makes sense to go for the cheaper accessory, and if you want to give the new controller a try, you’ll find that it works as well as the original.