How to Find the Best Portable Record Player For Your Needs

The best portable record player that ever tried was the Victrola 50 s “Retro-50.” This record player looks great and has the coolest sound system on the market. This record player also has a great feature–it can actually play vinyl at three different speeds! It’s a neat idea.

Pro Series:
Portable Record Player pro Series

The “Pro” series of the Victrola is an upgraded version with more high-tech features. I like the newer units better because they have a much bigger sound pad. The old vinyl record player needed a little help from the speakers to get the right sound. But the “Pro” models really take care of the problem. They come with an RCA cable as well as a phono input. This phono input works great with my turntables.

SB-R” Series:
Portable Record player SBR Series

The “SB-R” series is another model that is considered to be the best portable record player. It has a preamp along with a line input, so it’s ready for when you want both a record and a radio. The built-in tuner makes sure that your record player is in tune all the time.

These are my favorites and definitely represent the best portable record player options on the market. For a record player with a good sound, lightweight, and reliability, these are the best options. You can get the best portable record player for under $100. That’s great value, especially for the record player experience. When you’re on the go and always on the road, this is the best way to keep your vinyl collection safe and in mint condition.

Portable Record Models:
Portable Record Models

For a bit more money, you can opt for a “telefunk” styled portable record player. This is a top of the line model that uses a 12-inch record playing system and incorporates true Turntable Performance. The sound is crisp, clean, and extremely clear. Many music recording studios use these types of record players because they give the best sound reproduction and output. They’re also great for DJs and music studios because of their portability.

Another upgrade that is suggested for some models is to replace the batteries in your record player with the new “DL” series. This series contains a set of four high power diodes instead of the normal three, which give the best sound reproduction. There are several advantages to this upgrade. The main advantage is that the DL series produces a very loud volume at just over twenty decibels. Some people who listen to their records claim they have to turn up the volume to hear the music. That’s not possible with the DL series; the sound is so loud that it’s simply ear ringing.

Quality of Portable Record Players:
Quality of Portable Record Players

Another key point that will affect your final decision is the build quality of the player. If you’re planning on lugging the unit around with you on the go, you want a portable player that won’t buckle under the weight. The best ones are built to be incredibly strong and durable. Usually, they are lightweight, too, so you don’t have to worry about carrying an overly heavy portable turntable around when on the go.

Finally, if you’re looking for a truly all-in-one player, you should consider the option of adding RCA inputs or external speakers. By doing so, you get a convenient multi-out setup that lets you plug in all your portable gear and enjoy all of your recordings. RCA inputs to connect directly to the analog input on your record player or DVD player. External speakers connect to an amplifier and give you the ability to hear your record in full stereo. No matter what you need, there’s an RCA model that’s right for you.