Nioh 2: Everything You needs to Know about this Game

After the conclusion of the first game in the acclaimed RPG series Nioh. The second continues the tale of William and his two years of exploration as he tries to save his homeland from an impending attack from the Britannia Empire. The second game puts you right in the middle of events and settings similar to those in Nioh. The first game was set in Japan, while the second takes place in Britannia. Although Nioh 2 gameplay and story are not quite as deep or diverse as the first game, it still has its strong points and is worth your time.

For the most part, Nioh 2 gameplay follows the same pattern established in the first game. You start by exploring the environment, finding items needed to progress through the levels and progressing through the city as well.

As previously mentioned, you are also given the opportunity to recruit new allies into your crew as well as take on new missions and tasks which further increase your levelling up rate and ability to progress through the game. Throughout your journey, you will also be unlocking new areas, unlocking new weapons and battling other characters. All the while collecting different items and abilities for your Nioh 2 experience.

Additional Information About Nioh 2

One of the main additions to Nioh 2 is the “Missions” system. You can engage in a number of different missions throughout the game as part of your overall effort to achieve success and save Nioh. These missions range from simple fetch quests to defending Nioh from a boss battle. In many cases, these missions will ask you to use items or engage in head-on combat to successfully complete them.

The rewards are quite substantial as well: Nioh’s new ability to create Pendants allows you to collect cash. Which you can then spend on items for your new outfit or character, new skills and abilities or even revive a fallen member of your crew.

One of the biggest mysteries when it comes to Nioh 2 has been the exact level cap. It wasn’t a secret that the game would have a level cap, but what was unknown was just how much higher the cap would be. It was initially reported that Nioh 2 would have a maximum level cap of 70. But this was later confirmed by the game’s producer.

This news means that if you want to get the maximum out of Nioh 2. You’ll have to prepare to get through the content more quickly than the average player. Since the game’s release, there have been a lot of 2 review articles focusing on each of the new races that are featured in the game. The elves are believed to the main threat to humans, due to their magical nature.

Humans have to rely on their speed, stealth and battle capabilities against the fast-paced and highly skilled elves. Each of these races also has its own special attacks and skills. Which makes them unique when compared to previous versions of Nioh.

Nioh 2: Sony Playstation Review 

Nioh 2: Sony Playstation Review 

Nioh 2 is going to available for the Sony PlayStation 4 when it’s released in North America sometime in 2021. We don’t know much more about the release date just yet. But we can expect a release on the other platforms at some point in the future. No one knows for sure when Nioh 2 will be available for the Xbox, PC or the PlayStation Portable. But we should know at least a year before the game’s release. Keep your fingers crossed for Nioh 2!

Nioh 2 will utilize the existing technology from the original Nioh to create a brand new and improved gameplay experience. The developers took full advantage of the PS3’s powerful engine to create the smoother gameplay and visuals seen in Nioh.

The PC port is probably going to be similar to the Xbox port as it has the ability to use the same technology. But the lack of memory and hardware compatibility on the PC may limit the player’s options on how deep they can explore the story and choose their playable character.

If you are interested in the story of Nioh 2. You’ll find that it’s more focused on family and relationship issues. It’s not very different from the original except for the game’s graphics and the lack of adult content. Because of this, the focus on the PC port is on creating an experience that is faithful to the vision of Hidetaki Takeo, the original Nioh writer.

If you enjoyed the first game, Nioh 2 is sure to please with its gameplay, story, and graphics. There are few games that can retain so much of what made the original hit the ground hard. If you enjoyed the first in this unique open-world Japanese RPG game.