Forget Easy Mode, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Needs an Equal Mode

Forget Easy Mode, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Playing video games is the best thing to spend long hours doing. You may find it interesting to play difficult levels. Fighting in the arena, climbing different ranks of mercenary, and killing cult members may be your biggest strength. But you also need to understand which of the sword games suit you. Not every game is made for every player. So you must know the strategy which is your weapon to victory. You must have a good experience and should feel proud to play a difficult level. Recently a controversy started that the game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice should get an easy mode. But content creators say it will not do justice to the game.

Playing in Different Level of Difficulties

With the controversy that Sekiro, the Role-playing game needs to have an easy mode, content creators think it is unnecessary for this action-adventure video game. Steve Spohn, the Community Outreach Director and Chief Operations Officer at AbleGamers Foundation, responded to this outrage saying that games such as Sekiro can be made accessible without harming the intention of the creator. Every game based on skills tends to pull towards gamers who are proud of their talent to beat a difficult level. They need enough determination and persistence to play that level several times till they triumph.

Suitability of the Game

President and Director at From Software, Hidetaka Miyazaki explained that a level with difficulty will not be added to ancient games like Sekiro so that everyone can enjoy the game. Every player must see whether it suits them or not after facing the first challenge. But many complained that Hidetaka Miyazaki and the team are not thinking of the disabled players as all of them do not start at the same level.

Some Counter-Arguments

A lot of arguments have been made against the Role-playing game, but the officials have countered all of them. They are:

  • Accessibility means opportunity and not making the game easy.
  • Disabled gamers need to give up if they cannot advance into the next level.
  • Accessibility options will be there for disabled players who need them and not for all.
  • Not all games are made for all players.
  • The options can be easily added without reducing the development time.
  • Accessibility to difficult levels helps people with cognitive and physical disabilities.
  • The options will not ruin this Role-playing game and its culture.
  • Every player does not need to use the options.
  • If any player decides to use it, it is not because of disability, but because of his need.

Easy Mode or Equal Mode

The way of choosing to play a game meant for a single player differs from player to player. The options of accessibility benefit players with cognitive and physical disabilities to participate in the same gaming field. Not many gamers want to distort their experience with this game where the challenge is the main attraction. So an ?Easy Mode? will be unfair for PC games like Sekiro. They need to play the game as it is without thinking about their disabilities and they will surely win the levels.