Is AI-Generated Music as Good as Hits of All Times?

we can Compose Music With the help of AI.

AI has the ability to mimic when observations and labels are presented to it in huge numbers. In the case of generating music too, if you trained the AI on the biggest hits of all times, ideally it should learn and output something very similar, if not melodious. Today, it is a child’s play with tons of ready-to-use code and software. Music with AI is made of features of the music itself such as tempo, chords, length, and so on. AI is made of features of its source material and thus, mimics it reasonably well.

With Features that Make Music as Humans Do

The field of artificial intelligence<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> has been pushing new boundaries every other day. In 2017 it made headlines when a group of researchers announced that they have created an AI that can write music just as well as humans. It was named AIVA and it was an AI composer that could create music pieces derived directly from the source material, that is, music made by humans. There was also something connecting this research to the human brain’s neural structure and a combination of these buzzwords made a piece of huge news quiet for some time.

  • Music is made of certain fundamental pieces.
  • Given enough time, just like a baby, an AI can also learn these pieces.
  • Using these pieces in one or the other way creates musical hits.
  • AI learns by copying these hits composed by humans and mixes and matches them to compose something of its own.

The above four rules can be applied without much change in any other scenario as well. It can be applied to learning to draw, learning to write a grammatically correct sentence, or learning to walk with two legs as in bipedal robots. These form the basics of features of AI. With an appropriate reward and penalty for the correct and wrong decisions taken by an AI, it can be trained similar to a newborn baby.

What Makes Music Good?

Music with AI will be composed of the same basic bits and pieces but does not guarantee its appeal among the audience. People love music from a broad range of different genres and labeling a piece of music as good can be merely subjective. Thus, quantifying goodness, so to speak, using numbers is not that wise. Yet, with the features of AI, musicians are trying to understand what kind of music their audience likes. This is the reverse approach, and AI works fine here as well.

In May of 2019, another group announced that their AI is able to compose pop music and symphonies too.


In Conclusion

The field of artificial intelligence is penetrating all fields where there is data. If you have ever recorded anything on a piece of paper or vinyl, AI can help. The tone is set and clear. Claiming that AI can compose music hits of the future can be a little exaggeration, but it wouldn’t be impossible to imagine either.