iOS 14 Feature to Try Apps without Installing Them

Try Apps without Installing Them


The world may have come to a pause due to the pandemic unleashed by the Coronavirus, but it has not stopped Apple from developing the new iOS 14. This latest product from the stable of Apple promises to come with some unique features. Apple is assuring iPhone 14 users, a new experience among the many others, wherein they can use an application without actually downloading it.

  • Apple is developing iOS 14.
  • Many distinct features on offer.
  • The most unique feature is to experience an app without downloading it.

What is iOS 14?

iOS 14 is the latest update in the iPhone series. It is expected to be launched sometime towards the end of 2020. Initially targeted to be released in June, it has been pushed to later this year due to COVID-19. But the forced postponement in the launch day has not deterred Apple from giving some very distinct elements to its buyers.

  • Latest iPhone version.
  • Comes with new features.
  • Launch date was pushed to the end of the year due to the pandemic.

New Feature in iPhone 14

Apple is introducing a new iOS update which will give users a completely new feel of the latest version of the phone. Among the many upgrades in technology, the most distinct is a feature that will allow the user to try an app without actually downloading it. A QR code will facilitate this. Scanning the code will give the user an idea of the app?s interface.

  • The new feature in iPhone 14.
  • Users can try an app before downloading it.

How does the New Feature Work?

This feature is going to be possible due to a new tool Apple is developing. Called Clips this tool will allow developers to link some parts of their app with a QR code embedded in the iOS 14. The Clips application programming interface or API will give developers an option to offer some interactive and dynamic content of their app to the users. In other words, the iPhone 14 user will have a choice to try features of the app before he or she decides on downloading it.?This feature will, however, not be for the inbuilt iOS apps.

  • Apple developed a new distinct feature to test an app before downloading it.
  • A new tool called Clips is being developed to facilitate the new feature.
  • Clips API will allow developers to offer a specimen of their app.
  • App developers will offer short interactive, dynamic content for a trial to the user.
  • There will be a link between the QR code reader and the Clips API.
  • The QR code will pop up the short promotional feature of an app.
  • Users can decide to download the app after trying the bits offered by the developer.


In conclusion, as expected the iPhone series is promising another match-winner. Those who will use this Apple new tech product will get an experience hitherto unmatched. Try an app before downloading it. What more would iPhone users want? Surely the phone buffs can?t wait for its launch.